I used to hate having periods because I thought they were messy and difficult to deal with, especially whenever the water supply was scarce. Yikes. Any water interruption that coincided with my period was a nightmare for me.

water supply
Image by Sasikan Ulevik on Unsplash

Good thing, I’ve already made the switch to a menstrual cup, which has made period management easier—even when faced with water interruptions.

Now, I would like to share how my Sinaya Cup helps me get through my period even there’s a limited water supply.

A few ounces of water can go a long way when you’re cleaning your Sinaya Cup

Although I need to clean my Sinaya Cup regularly, I don’t really need a lot of water to complete the task.

In fact, a few ounces of water can already go a long way! When there’s water interruption, I simply use some drinking water to wash my cup with. My sterilizer cup has been a huge help, too.

Image by congerdesign on Pixabay

I simply fill it with clean water, soak my cup in it, and put the entire thing in the microwave for about two minutes and it’s done.

Sometimes, I just fill my sterilizer with newly boiled water and soak my Sinaya Cup in it for about 10 minutes.

No more icky feeling, meaning you can survive with less frequent showers and baths

I used to dread periods a lot when I was still a sanitary pad user. That’s because pads always gave me that icky feeling, making me want to change them and shower as often as I could.

But now that I already use Sinaya Cup, I no longer feel that way.

Image by Pexels on Pixabay

Sure, there are days when I still want to shower a lot, especially during the dry season, but it’s no longer as bad as what I used to experience. In fact, I think my period has been manageable these past few years that I was actually able to get through them even during water interruptions.

There’s a low risk of having period stains, so no need to wash a lot of bloody sheets

Here’s another thing that I never miss about using sanitary pads: Dealing with bloody sheets every single time. Besides not being a huge fan of doing the laundry, I also think it’s so wasteful. Just think of all the gallons of water wasted due to abnormally frequent laundry sessions.

Image by JayMantri on Pixabay

And since using a Sinaya Cup means having little to no risk of having period stains for me, especially at night, I no longer need to worry about having to deal with bloody sheets. It’s perfect, really, since we’ve been faced with lots of water interruptions lately.